Fauna & Flora X Georgie

"Georgie, when she was at FFI, was instrumental in helping set up Cherique and I to go on that shoot to Mozambique" - Giles Clarke

MindFriend x Dark Room Productions x Bowline Fox Media

Working in collaboration with Dark Room Productions and MindFriend, we produced two interviews with licensed psychologists exploring taboo topics in order to dismantle prejudices and stereotypes online.
"It really was my pleasure! Thank you for all the support & encouragement!" - Dr Tesse Browne

Bowline Fox Media x Nick Gilbert Films

"I watched it and thought it very strong, with good performances and a lovely sense of place and history" - Peter Kosminskey (WolfHall, Undeclared War)

Fauna & Flora X Georgie

"Georgie, when she was at FFI, was instrumental in helping set up Cherique and I to go on that shoot to Mozambique" - Giles Clarke

MindFriend x Dark Room Productions x Bowline Fox Media

Working in collaboration with Dark Room Productions and MindFriend, we produced two interviews with licensed psychologists exploring taboo topics in order to dismantle prejudices and stereotypes online.

"It really was my pleasure! Thank you for all the support & encouragement!" - Dr Tesse Browne

Bowline Fox Media x Nick Gilbert Films

"I watched it and thought it very strong, with good performances and a lovely sense of place and history" - Peter Kosminskey (WolfHall, Undeclared War)